Tuesday, June 7, 2011 By: Wwoofergirl

Still June 7

I lied. More interesting stuff actually did happen.
I watched the beginning of END:CIV, which was incredible even 30 minutes in.
We then had a lengthy and fascinating discussion of concepts under the general umbrella of environmental anarchy, and I collected some great stuff for my newest "Look Up Later" List.

David House-- The Biogas Handbook
Max Meyers
Steve Ramban-- Privacy Is Dead, Get Over It
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Cascade System Failure

(During our discussion, my hosts had me take the battery out of my phone to ensure that we would not be FBI tapped. Just thought that was worth mentioning.)



The Compost Club at Sarah Lawrence College said...

Well... You should watch a DVD called Strange Culture when you get a chance. That makes you realize just how little you should trust the US government. Oh yeah if the US government isn't trustworthy read a book called Dragon Fighter. You'll find some info in there about the Chinese government spying on people in the US.

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