Monday, June 6, 2011 By: Wwoofergirl

June 6

Guess what? Pictures! The link to my flickr is under my photo.

I don't have computer access, so I'm posting this via telekinesis. Please excuse any strange tangents about flowers or Natalie Portman.

Lying. I'm still at the house in Broadmoor. Although it's completely true that flowers and Natalie Portman roam freely about in my thoughts.
We did more gardening this morning, and I installed some neat little cinderblock steps filled with river stones. It was more difficult than it sounds. A little later, Beth gathered together a few boxes of things around the house that she didn't want anymore, and we went to the Mission District of San Francisco. Apparently, when the Salvation Army doesn't want her stuff, she leaves it on a random street corner there and it gets scavenged within hours. Makes perfect sense to me, I dumped extra clothes and boxes outside the library during conference week and they disappeared like magic. We drove around looking at murals and buildings for a while, and I got some interesting pictures. Then we went to Rainbow Grocery.
I could spend a year's worth of college tuition on the stuff in that place.
And, quite frankly, I would probably have to. It is expensive in there. But everything is organic and humanely raised. The cheese aisle was the best part.
What was most interesting about Rainbow Grocery was the serious diversity of the shoppers. It was honestly like nothing I'd ever seen. I saw an older white lady with a pink and green mohawk, several gorgeous displays of dreadlocks, a variety of hipster kids, hispanic mothers, asian grandmothers, a goth, and (I swear to god) an old indian man wearing a dhoti over green denim shorts. And it wasn't just the customers. I talked to two trans employees and one who was albino. An adorably flamboyant worker informed me that, unfortunately, bananas are never from California.
It seems to me that the one thing everyone there must have had in common was enough money to buy products like $9 organic peanut butter cups.

Next photos will be from the ranch.
Also, check this out, because it is funny, impressive, and extremely important.
Where My Bees At?


Bob Bradburn said...

Thanks for the video link. It was informative and gave some balance to the debate as well. Like food, getting energy in a sustainable way can be done but costs more.

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