Wednesday, July 20, 2011 By: Wwoofergirl

My Preliminary Course List

Upcoming classes are finally being named on my school's website, so I went ahead and wrote down classes I would consider taking. (I'm only showing classes that relate to my environmental interests- my art class ideas aren't super relevant here!)

Principles of Botany- Kenneth Karol

Environmental Chemistry- Mali Yin

Sustainable Development- Marilyn Power

Collective Violence and Post-Conflict Reconciliation- Elke Zuern

The Offensive Against Civil Rights- Rima Vesely-Flad

Science, Technology, Environmental Politics- Astrid Schrader

Embodiment & Biological Knowledge: Public engagement Medicine/Science- Sarah Wilcox

Privacy v. Security on the Internet- Michael Siff

Food, Agriculture, Environment and Development- Joshua Muldavin

The Contemporary Practice of International Law- Mark Shulman

You might notice that there are some law classes in my list. Why? Because I need to know what I can get away with, of course! :P
My conference topic for any of these classes would probably be really interesting. Since I plan on keeping the blog through the year, let me know if you would like to read it.


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