Well, I'm not sure I can remember everything that has happened in the last five days, but I'll give it a shot.
Our new WWOOFer, Phil, showed up. He's from Maryland, and is a very hard worker. We like to stay up late and look at the milky way.
With Phil's help, we finished the little house for our compost toilet. We're calling it the "PEB", for Phil, Ellie (that would be me) and Beth.
Our shipment of geese came in. They are tiny and fluffy and clumsy and aDORable. We also went to the farmer's market just down the road, where the local folks come to sell things. Phil pointed out that if everyone comes to the market, sells something, and buys something else, all the locals pretty much break even and it's basically a trade instead of a feat currency exchange.
I'm especially homesick today. I miss my sewing machine, my gym, and my SoCal friends/family. So I started thinking today... my latest plan was to stay up here another month until my mom got off work and could come up and see me. I wonder if there's a way for me to take public transportation back for July, and come up again with her in August. I mean, she'd be traveling basically around the same day. If we timed it right, she might not even have to change her hotel reservations.
I haven't spoken with either of my parents about this yet... so I'm going to call them today. I probably would have anyway, just so they would know I haven't been murdered and composted.
I emailed Paige Crandall about a self-defense class at the SLC gym. She emailed Larry Hoffman about it, so now there's a seminar on September 7 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. I love that our staff listens to us!!!
Also, I emailed David House about a methane digester, and he actually answered me back personally, which is very exciting. He said that there would be a lot to discuss before implementing a campus methane digester, which is totally understandable... but he emailed me back!
I'm excited about the amount of action I plan to take on campus this year. I can't imagine a better way to spend my time than guiding my friends and fellow students closer to a regenerative lifestyle.
WWOOF: Proper noun. Acronym of the World Wide Organization of Organic Farming.
WWOOF: Verb. Volunteering on an organic farm in exchange for room and board.
WWOOFer: Noun. Me.
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